On 2/27/20, Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
They're keeping #JulianAssange in a glass box, so you think of Eichmann, and #Nazis... Because the people persecuting #Assange understand and relate to #Nazis, because they are #Nazis. He is obviously not a flight or courtroom disruption risk, due to their torturing him like #Nazis do, so there's no reason he shouldn't be able to sit next to his lawyer and effectively plan a defense, except that the #Nazis want you to think of #Nazis when you see him... But all I can think of are the #Nazis who have him on display like an animal in a glass box.
More cages and show trials... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovIW-GcYWm0 journos slammed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25JpnWlEfvE bukharin 1938 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3WE2jXbkkc vice covers putin love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Eyjyceo3vU trotsky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5y6xFzheqo charles 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOptDYhkoSM impeachment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYB1x1-yovY assange re manning trial "Your actions have not been approved by the Authorities!!! The trial has illustrated absurdity of the legal system for one thing the court chose a room way too small to keep observers out. The State felt "intolerable pain" when a little yellow lemon fruit hit its kevlar vest. The point of the trial is not to deliver justice, it's a warning to others thinking about being free. The people behind bars were put there to scare everyone. Redress, protest, Freedom... will not be possible or tolerated." #FreeAssange