On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 10:58:56PM +0000, Cathal (Phone) wrote:
Not if that E2E protocol is entirely undermined. Which is the case here: trust is security. If 600M people think they have privacy and don't, that's a problem.
Have you heard of the phrase "harm reduction"? You can't solve a social/technical problem by insisting that only perfect solutions are acceptable. You must provide incremental solutions that can be part of a broad based move from the horrible place where we are now, towards a more safe future. I mean, *you* can do whatever you want, but users are going to ignore solutions that don't connect to where they are today. "Incremental steps with continuous improvement" is a model for advice that actually works in improving outcomes for real populations. "Burn everything to the ground and start over" is a model for advice that lets activists maintain ideological purity without dirtying their hands with actual people's actual problems. -andy