27 Jan
27 Jan
1:46 a.m.
On Thu, 26 Jan 2017 17:41:25 -0800 Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
On 01/26/2017 05:34 PM, the Argentine expletive-spewing ruffled grouse wrote:
The anti-conspiracy nutcases are exactly the same kind of people who used to burn witches....or 'cure' gays with electroshocks and lobotomies - all based on True Science of course.
What this propaganda artist
rayzer, you are the proganda scumbag here - calling you an 'artist' would be like calling a retarded slug an artist. best thing for a motherfuckier like you would be to die. But if we are not that lucky, then you could at least go back to twitter and facebook, the natural enviroment for turds like you.