On 02/20/2017 08:11 PM, jim bell wrote:
*From:* Razer <g2s@riseup.net
On 02/20/2017 07:57 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
The story in question, being confirmed from many, many sources, being that Sweden now has extraordinarily high levels of rape.
Orlando, where trump said that stupid thing, had more rapes last year (7,537) than all of Sweden (5,920)
Sources here: https://twitter.com/AuntieImperial/status/833885835242016772
I wonder what that tells us about the demographics of Orlando vs. Sweden? (I'd say more, but it wouldn't be Politically Correct.)
Jim Bell
Orlando probably has a lot of sexual predators hanging around b/c DisneyWorld ... meaning young female tourists and college students. It also has quite the population of Cuban racketeering Gusanos and ex-mercenaries like the guy who shot up that Gay bar. Young women around mobsters and mercs = high rape risk. Point is Sweden is NOT the "Rape capital of the world", and the number of rapes is DOWN considerably since 2014. Rr