On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 02:46:53AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Central / trusted / private issues are fine.
Centralised === externalisation of authority. UPMART 1-0-1
Provided they're not enforced by the boot of a state,
But the thin edge of the wedge of statutes is very, very pleased with centralized solutions ... yesss, thanks you very, thanks you muchhhhh
and alternative issues exist in an open market.
All your rights are statutorily the oligarchs thanx u very much.
Given those conditions, such currencies may end up serving only fools, traders, niche, etc.
See also: The ICO's of essentially nothing more than renamed regen'd bitcoind... as to ever becoming a major currency, they're pointless. Though they do serve other purposes.
Evaluate... https://coinmarketcap.com/
Whilst you the individual are bound by statute to not use gold and silver coin to trade and exchange services, under pain of statutory punishment, no DC shall provide a superior alternative - only tech rainbows to inspire the digerati. The thin edge of the statutory wedge began many years ago when The All Powerful United States legislated with rainbow statutes declaring The iNternet a tax-free haven - and renewed their statutes, and renewed them some more. And people thought it was good. But the truth is, the goodliness that people thought it was, was merely entrainment, brainwashing the people to be entrained into the authority of statute and therefore the externalisation of your individual sovereignty and therefore subservience to the superior external authorities - the banks, govt, oligarchs.