Inspiration on the move. Live life. Love. Confront. Enjoy. On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 10:11:46AM +1000, Gil May wrote:
*Where can we get support for posters?*
Proud Australian Pauline Hanson put forward the senate motion declaring "It's OK to be white", the vote was defeated 28 to 31. Then pathetically some who voted for it developed a soggy nappy and apologised, they still stink.
The PM’s apology for intelligent LNP members voting for “It’s OK to be white”, shows his ignorance of proud ‘White Australians’ who were born that colour, it is racist slur for him, the Greens, wrong Wong and the ALP to claim it is not right to be white.
MP "Penny Wong" (does being a non-white lesbian may influence her?) said "It's a phrase created by right-wing extremist groups in the United States".
That's where you're wrong, Wong nong!
The phrase was created by 4chan as a literal "harmless message":
A classic of Penny Wong trying undermine White people having a little pride in themselves, individually and collectively?
Why did she chose to live in a great country created by white people with a legal system created by white people, and she is being paid money by white taxpayers—She appears a total hypocrite?
Listening to politicians on this matter they show a neurotic cowardice to accept facts with total disregard to reality now displaying to the people of Australia and the world they are racist against white people, preferring coloured people over white people.
There is no "sinister meaning" to the phrase "It's OK to be White"!! It simply means that it is, in actual fact, OK to be a person with White skin! But this is not acceptable to the Greens, ALP and many members of government who support demonising of white men. These politicians have all lost all residual respect and voting considerations?
Independent politician Derryn Hinch, who voted against the motion, said on his Twitter he was happy to see it get struck down—remember Derryn and you un-Australian mates it was white people who voted for you and won’t next time.