Hi Grarpamp, the point was that I would not use bleep messenger from bittorrent, as it is not open source. Others like the one you did a research on might be worth for further testings, either by the binaries or - you seem to be keen on to - compile it yourself. I cannot help you with compile firefloo messenger on linux or windows, as I have not done this yet. Why don' t you test the binaries? The source and the binaries might not be machting from hash, because if you know source projects, the source might be corrected on one or two files even when the binaries have been build. So better build the software from source and use your own binaries. I would suggest to build the crypto core first, which is spot-on. Regards 1) I guess you use windows. 2a) download the source from either the download files https://sourceforge.net/projects/spot-on/files/Version%200.11/ File: Spot-On.d.tar.gz 2b) or use the SVN url to be current: https://sourceforge.net/p/spot-on/code/HEAD/tree/ svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/spot-on/code/ spot-on-code 3) install Qt.io Use Version 5.3.1 Qt 5.3.2 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.8.2, OpenGL, 737 MB) http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.3/5.3.2/qt-opensource-... configure it correctly 4a) use the comand line app from Qt and here you use these commands: https://sourceforge.net/p/spot-on/code/HEAD/tree/branches/0.12/Documentation... Linux: qmake -o Makefile spot-on.pro Return make 4b) or use better the creator app from Qt. this is very convenient, so I describe this way further: Load the file "spot-on.win.qt5.pro" with the Creator. It is the .pro file for the kernel. Under windows it also loads the spot-on-gui.win.qt5.pro, which is the .pro file for the gui. (Under linux you might need to pic up both and compile both). 5) click the green forward icon to compile the pro file (for release and pro-gui), in the Creator. the compile runs and shows the app. 6.) Enter password, generate keys and connect to the project server in Neighbours tab: tulip.cloud.tilaa.com 4710 7) Ask a friend to do the same or to use the binaries: exchange keys, and chat. Done. All is encrypted and you never need to exchange keys. Hope this helps to use Qt. It is very easy. Regards 2014-09-19 13:37 GMT+02:00 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com>:
If you are able to compile a binary No, do not send it to me, send it to the list.