On Thu, 3 Dec 2020 18:14:54 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
On Tue, Dec 1, 2020, 3:31 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
that's confused. Semiconductor manufacturing was always controlled by the same corrupt and despicable 'private'-government mafia. You can still assemble stuff but you have to get the components from govcorp (as always).
Every transistor everywhere comes from an engineer who learned under an engineer who learned under .... an engineer who learned under Shockley.
yes, that's the mafia of shitbags I'm talking about.
And Shockley was Ayn Rand's heroic engineer CEO scientist in the flesh. Free market Capitalism in person.
haha, you are as insane as 'professor rat' --- and vomit the very same kind of insanity -- the very same kind of techofascist propaganda. and like him you are the same delusional turd who will hopefully get his compulsory, government-musko brain implant soon. AND THEN you'll be an the ultimate braindead scumbag you could possibly be. A literal robot.