14 Aug
14 Aug
8:31 a.m.
On Tue, 13 Aug 2019 15:06:08 -0400 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
James is a bitter, crazy old fuck, a member of a bunch of dumb assholes who call themselves "neo-reactionaries", who wants to be able to enforce a patriarchy
heh, well, the 'patriarchy' only exists in the minds of feminazis, so not really a problem. Except as an excuse for western feminazis to spread their unhinged, neo-puritan, anti-sex cancer all over the world. See previous references to western imperialism.
with Donald Trump as the "God Emperor" and....
Yeah. It's the other side of the 'democratic and egalitarian', child-murdering clintons and obombas.
I won't go on, I feel the vomit rising up.