Nonviolent Facilitator teaches parties to speak a special language for communicating feelings and needs. Grassroots Activist [speaking special language] [mind numbed artificially]: "I am scared of the thing I don't remember well. Very scared." Cyborg Torturer: "I feel powerful. Also scared. And I'm pretty skilled at this!" Grassroots Activist [dissociating]: "Oh, I'm skilled at this too." Cyborg Torturer: "You don't look skilled." Nonviolent Facilitator: "Let's try to keep it to our feelings, needs, observations, requests ..." Cyborg Torturer: "Oh, right. I feel surprised when I observe you say that." Boss: "I feel numb. And happy. I know you guys are healthy and I like that." Grassroots Activist: "I feel irritated. My need for health is not met." Boss: "I feel worried. And some amnesia is coming on. Grassroots Activist, is there anything I can do to help you?" Grassroots Activist: "I feel kinda terrified!" [mind numbs] "I'm not sure who this Boss guy is. Why are we talking with him?"