Quotes trimmed through Jul 2, 2022, 8:49 AM

2022-07-02 1417 2/0:10.7 cool, medium, food after
2022-07-02 1604 2/0:11.56 67.1F easy-medium, food after
2022-07-02 1756 2/0:16.20 64.4F medium, food after
2022-07-03 0853 2/0:15.63 62F hard, with sugar cookie, nap after
2022-07-03 1422 2/0:11.29 54.8F medium, food after
2022-07-03 1836 long warm then 2/unk at around 53F, easy, food after
2022-07-04 0728 3/0:23.74 60.9F medium-easy, two chocolates, with food
2022-07-04 0914 3/0:18.76 60.9F medium-easy, one chocolate, with food

Will attempt to cool water more.

I got a bag of chocolate almonds for some reason, and found I ate a few when I intended to only eat one. Seems like the trait to connect with a difficult task.

Usually ive been trying to only eat chocolate outdoors, but i was getting a different kind to encourage that.