Ideology is dogmatic like a religion. As far as Anarchism, and Karl Marx; Marx visualized a withering away of the state. Anarcho-Communism, not the crap centralized totalitarian state the bulkshitviks handed the people of Russia.

Fidel Castro meditates, then says:

"These years have taught us all to meditate more and analyze better.

We no longer accept any "self-evident" truths. "Self-evident" truths belong to bourgeois philosophy. A whole series of old cliches must be abolished.

Marxist literature itself, revolutionary poitical literature itself, should be renewed because repeating the same old cliches, phraseology and verbiage that have been repeated for 35 years wins over no one, convinces no one at all.

There are times when political documents, called Marxist, give the impression that someone has gone to an archive and asked for a form: form 14, form 13, form 12; they are all alike, with the same empty words, in language incapable expressing real situations. Very often, these documents are divorced from real life.

And then many people are told that this is Marxism. . .and in what way is this different from a catechism. and in what way is it different from a litany, from a rosary?...

...The communist movement developed a method, a style, and in some aspects, even took on the characteristics of a religion. And we sincerely believe that the character should be left behind.

Of course, to some of these "illustrious revolutionary thinkers" we are only petit bourgeois adventurers without revolutionary maturity. We are lucky that the Revolution came before maturity! ~Major Fidel Castro Ruiz, Speech delivered at the closing of the First Conference of the Latin American Organization of Solidarity (OLAS), August 10, 1967
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