i'm having posting troubles using memo.cash . i was posting in the non-canon thread, but some of the material is "canon" enough, it's just interspersed with spasms. These are the messages leading up:
1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 19m traffick boss practices squelching caring dialog with his toxic mansplaining 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 18m employee-of-the-week: "how about --" traffick boss: "shaddup". employee 2: "why don't we --" traffick boss: "be quiet." 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 18m employee 3: "i want to --" traffick boss: "i don't care what you want" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 17m employee 4: "a new shipment of --" traffick boss: "any cigars in it? we only care if it has cigars" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 17m employees stare without talking at how rude traffick boss is. he relaxes and looks at them irritatedly. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 17m traffick boss: "anybody brought any whores yet? what's taking so long?" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 15m visiting dignitary from caring nation: "caring nation won't abide by --" traffick boss: "ahh why don't you take caring nation's abiding and put it where --" traffick boss pauses 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 14m traffick boss thinks about war w/ caring nation that just recently had a few hours of peace where his computers briefly stopped mind controlling him to be enslaved by his own slaves 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 13m traffick boss leans toward visiting dignitary from caring nation. traffick boss: "apologies." visiting dignitary looks at traffick boss. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 13m a pause 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 10m visiting dignitary: "caring nation --" traffick boss [not having heard visiting dignitary about to speak]: "i know you're about to defend freed slaves, like yourself, dignitary." 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 8m might be engaging me a bit too much to continue atm . i W 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 7m some troubles breathing in the internal expression 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 6m traxxick traffical 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 6m we're boggled 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 5m boggled is like o.0 one eye is really big and a vein might be on the verge of bursting or something somewhere 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4m abcdefg ! hijklmnop. qwrstuvwxyz ! i think of the alphabet atm as its pronunciation in order rather than its letters. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 4m tagiligickle 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m traffick boss is dead again. it happens sometimes. he told zombie worker to drag him around where-ever he goes until he comes back to life. not to give up. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m zom 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 2m traffick boss's corpse [speaking from maybe clockwork]: "better to die honoroubly by a weapon, than to have a bunch of furious freed slaves enslave you to all their fury at once" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 2m his plan is to be dead until the furious slaves thing calms down and then have zombie workers used advanced technology to bring him back 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 1m zombie worker: "boss stop talking or people won't think you're dead"
This message won't go through:
traffick boss: "have you found a cigar yet?" [two error code 417s waiting for tx to be broadcast]