i've started code elsewhere that is unlikely to be completed. right now i'm [doing things I try not to do] away from other code. I wonder if following the ideas below is workable or if they make some unrealistic assumption.
On Sat, Feb 12, 2022, 3:02 PM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <
gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
here's the last draft doc that reached github:
# for designing an interface of system simulation
# a simple system where some property is a function of time.
# goal 1: user has access to a state containing a number, and can produce
# another state based on a time change from the first
# number = constant * time
class NumberAgent(TimeShiftable):
def __init__(self, prev_states : List[Tuple[TimePoint, float]] = [], avg_changes_per_second = 0.25):
Okay, i'm thinking here that normalising an interface for functions of probability is really important for things guided by simple rules of chance. I don't know much about probability at this stage of my life.
I have some random variable, and I have records of how it's behaved in the past.
I want to be able to sample its possible state after a given duration in the future (or the past) from a known state.
Y'know, I'm sure that's been well studied and solved, but maybe it's cognitively simplest to just procedurally write down how something like that behaves, and brute force it, for now.
Additionally, that approach would let agents be programmed intuitively, rather than in a new language based on probability primitives. It would likely later be possible to translate to probability primitives by sending tracer values through: numbers that track their mathematical operations. Doing that means using a pure conditional function rather than "if" block control flow primitives.