Again, you have sent another email that avoids to state any kind of specific opinion. You are frustrated that I am putting words in your mouth, but it can't help but do so because you aren't saying anything. You haven't agreed that our justice system should carry out warrants, but you also haven't indicated when it should not. You haven't agreed that justice should happen in courts, but you also haven't said it shouldn't be. You haven't really said anything at all that can be pinned down to a specific defined position. Maybe just to sanity check, why are you in this conversation? Are you trying to refine and articulate a specific opinion? Because that's my goal, I want to understand actual policies that we can implement and follow, in order to make this world a better place. If your goal is exclusively to complain about other people doing bad jobs without giving them any specific advice on how to do it better, that's not very interesting or useful. David On Mon, Jul 5, 2021, 2:03 PM Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Anyway if you can honestly help someone in need like Assange, please do so. Otherwise please focus on fixing the world.