On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 10:59 PM, krishna e bera <keb@cyblings.on.ca> wrote:
Followup: laws passed.
" President Putin has signed a law that, as of November 1st, bans technology which lets you access banned websites, including virtual private networks and proxies. Internet providers will have to block websites hosting these tools. ...
Accordingly, the President has signed another law requiring that chat apps identify users through their phone numbers after January 1st, 2018 "
This is very poor, as the fundamental concepts of society and interpersonal as we know it require to have private comms on various things, this rational extend from in person to over distance. We have no human capability to even imagine nonprivate world, let alone spy world, as is not human. So fuck RU and FVEY... they idea are not human but maniac. Resist. Do crypto. Do political action for human.