Today historians look back on what got humanity through the 2020s. "It was a bunch of angry ravings on the cypherpunk email list," Dr Thoughtful Brain told Exasperated Quarterly. "Randos insulting other randos clinched liberation." World nonleaders of anarchism plan to establish an international holiday celebrating the hard work of cypherpunks blotting out insightful knowledge with useless rants. Asked for details on cypherpunk ideology, Dr Brain said the focus was on building fandoms for computery celebrities selected for amplification by corporate media. "The list went for years without a single line of code posted," he said. During the conversation, an environmentalist shoved his way in and demanded this writer report on declining oxygen resulting from plankton extermination. Cypherpunks responded with the subject line: "Fuck oxygen, whatever that is. Computers don't use it. Off topic."