On 1/10/16, coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
ramping up FOIA in the year new, a new favorite! ...
To me, this is really amazing to watch, coderman. You are conducting/ supporting what seems to me to be quite a public interest/ public service effort - on behalf of the world really, given America's, ahem, preeminence :) <please suppress your howls of laughter - I don't expect FOIs to actually -change- US behaviour, but at least we see a tiny bit of the evidence of America's fingering the world...> I just watched the Benghazi / CIA in Libya movie tonight - yes there's the usual "thank you America" propaganda, but shit, that's the -best- they can spin this 'true' story (the American sniper movie and others have been proclaimed in the credits as "inspired by true events" - this one was proclaimed as "A true story.")!!! It's almost a wonder they let this story into the cinemas at all - provides a foundation for some genuine soul searching, in the CIA, the US military (who did not send any support whatsoever), their foreign relations procedures/ protocols, the fact they turned Libya into a failed state, etc, etc. Similar in essence to The Big Short (I think that's what it's called) - hey world, this is America. And shit, this shit needs to stop, but as we saw in the big short, it continues - the banks are out of control. I think it was Goldman Sachs, with their CDOs (crap mortgage bundling and buying and selling) which brought on the GFC, and they got merely a $5 billion fine! http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/15/business/dealbook/goldman-to-pay-5-billion... Fundamentally, it seems even Americans realize their own nation has to be reigned in, and perhaps Hollywood is part of their way... I think it will have to implode from within, financially, before anything actually changes... Regards, Zenaan