12 Jun
12 Jun
7:24 p.m.
Spooner on christianity : The Deist's Reply to the Alleged Supernatural Evidences of Christianity (1836) Spooner's comment on 'jesus' character : "Perhaps the most conspicuous defects in his personal character were, 1st, his readiness to resort to subterfuge, when challenged to work miracles, by those who doubted his miraculous powers, 2d, his propensity to practice concealment; and 3d, his notorious cowardice. " http://www.lysanderspooner.org/s/deistsreply.pdf http://www.lysanderspooner.org/works/ Spooner wrongly assumes that there was 'historical' 'jesus', but at least his view of the 'founder' of 'christianity' wasn't exactly flattering.