arright! libdisgustingbullshit! libtotalwasteoftime! libtakingimportantthingsandrippingthemtoshredsforeverinthemostpreposterouslystupidmannerimagineable! it's 10:48 et. i'm getting ready to work on libbullshitsliesandpoops. libhatredofhatred libnevertalking libnevermoving libneverdoinganything libdisreputingyourselfforever 1056 1127 --- Board Meeting "I need funding for the ijusttookashit project." "totally!" "omigod you don't have enough?" 1128 1136 work on libviolentlycontestedpinhead is paused 1139 "i propose we fund a research team into appropriate use of funds" "okay that sounds great" "i have a better idea: let's give them _all_ our money" "uh should we make sure they use it for the research more thoroughly or anything?" 1156 work is still mostly paused for other things "what kind of a return is the ijusttookashit project making?" "still raising funds, but did you see the exciting pre-alpha demo?" "sorry, who are you? are you a shareholder?" 1201 1225 "i'm responsible for filling the new contract, uh, "murdering activists"?" "ohhh the ijusttookashit project! right! and you need more funding?" 1653 okay present plan is to attempt to work on libdoxingeverybody libeverybodyhatesyou, exactly. 1703 1719 indeed. libexactlyasthebossdesires . definitely. --- above was yesterday. today is 2021-12-01 et. had trouble working further yesterday. trouble with other goals too. thinking of library names like libhonorablework, libgoodthingtomake, libdoxeseverybody, libteachessurveillanceworkershowtodox, libneededbadlybyyourfriends