3-4 dropped some might come in later if lucky
“why did the chicken cross the road?”
“let me tell you why the chicken crossed the road. millions of years ago, chicken genes were squawking together about how to make a chicken the best possible way. some of them thought that finding worms was important. others wanted to seek out water. some of the chicken genes wanted to obsess about roosters. others needed safety from predators like the fox. and some needed a safe place to lay their eggs, while others wanted to find a different warm shelter to sleep at night.”
“every generation, for millions of years, these chicken genes would squawk together about what to be as a chicken! they would peck here about defending themselves from predators, or scratch there about finding worms. each chicken gene was certain and determined that the thing it knew about was the way to be, but each generation they were all stuck together in the same big old chicken body, having to figure out what to be in every moment.”
“are you sure about this?”
“completely certain. let me continue. over the millenia, these strapping and intrepid young chicken genes slowly found better and better ways to be a chicken. the ones that (needed areas with lots of worms and mates found they had more options in brighter, more open areas, and grew chicken nerves that innervated between the chicken’s visual (—