On Wed, 2016-10-05 at 00:29 -0300, juan wrote:
On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 22:17:36 -0500 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> wrote:
I do agree in principle that the information needs to get out there, and for the US government to try to keep it secret is at least a bit un-American, if not flagrantly so.
Au contraire. It's 100% american. That's what you stand for.
It is 100% UN-American and it is NOT what I stand for. Not now, not ever.
Well, I'm not moderator but I'll try to mediate this, here. I get what Juan is saying, and I understand what you are saying. Here is the disconnect: It seems to me that Juan is looking at this entirely.. functionally. Functionally, the government suppresses information for its own interests. All of them do. He is disregarding the belief system of Americans, and the cultural identity and beliefs that this involves. What is American, is what America, as a whole, does. To be American is to enslave blacks, bomb brown folks, and generally make a great mess of things, and worse - to be proud of that mess. You are using the term "American" quite differently. You're not using it functionally, you're using it, forgive the term.. mythologically. There is the cultural identity of "American" which sees itself as being about freedom, natural rights and so on. For you, these are ideals, that Americans strive for, and you acknowledge that in the past your country fell short of, and that you have (and perhaps always will have) more to do. For you, it is totally possible for America to be UN-American. To Juan, this is a logical absurdity. I think I got that about right. I've been fucken with this dude, exploring how he thinks for like two weeks now. It's like some weird catharsis for me because I used to think quite similarly.
Moderator, please remove Juan from the list.
I suspect you're beign ironical?