On 6/5/21, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
The New York Times: Amazon Wants a Lot of New Laws. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/03/technology/amazon-laws.html
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/18/technology/big-tech-should-try-radical-ca... https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/10/technology/amazon-facial-recognition-back... "This bit of history shows that what Amazon said was a principled policy position was quite likely little more than a strategy maneuver." "Legalizing" weed is not freedom like "no such laws thus inherently legal" is. Today legalized means the Govt regulating, extra taxing, and violently enforcing those new laws, which as before will still make you just as bankrupt, criminal, and dead if you resist them... all of which is ridiculous, over a plant, that people have been smoking since dawn of humanity. "Minimum wage" distorts free markets, doesn't work, brings inflation, etc. Any search on why minimums are bad will tell you. Amazon makes billions exploiting the lack of privacy laws, yet any new "privacy" laws will be full of swiss-cheese loopholes exploited against you, all now with non-negotiable non-free-market-choice force of Govt behind it, and you won't be the rightful owner controller and broker of all your data. It all started with you foolish customers refusing to demand privacy from these companies in the first place. Giving non-privacy your $$$ doesn't get you any privacy, same as giving Govts your $$$ doesn't get you any freedom. Amazon is profitable and can pay more on its own to 'get and keep workers' if it wants, but what it really wants is to suppress all its less profitable competitors and newcomers by forcing them to pay those same high wage costs, thus artificially maintaining its term of supremacy in the market. It will leverage Govt "law" enforcers as its henchmen to do that at no cost to itself, instead via money the Govt steals from you to do it. Same game of leverage with any company that endorses the G-7 G-20 "global minimum corporate tax rate" scam. It's about stamping out badly needed competition and new ideas in the marketplace, and emplacing new colossal global structures of non-freedom over your heads. See also biased new "right to unionize" laws in US state of IL which is also full of garbage laws. You're also propping up and supporting Big Tech Censorship, which incorporates fake news propaganda an steering, over your own Freedom of Speech and Free Thought. You and everyone else don't need Govt "laws", or asshole corporations, to live well as free beautiful human beings together. Stop abandoning and giving your personal responsibility to them. Wake up.