most of my time is spent navigating my miswired nerves. jerking my head or hands or eyes back when they jerk away, over and over and over again. most of my visual field and short term memory seems unavailable to my consciousness, so i also spend a ton of time moving around windows of focus and groups of information to get them to work together. i also spend a lot of time undoing things my hands do wrongly on the computer; returning to the window i was at, getting myself out of a habit of clicking through an unrelated tab over and over again ... my system also misbehaves, and i estimate digital situations poorly in this new environment because i am inhibited around learning and adopting new information without a lot of intentionality. usually a big timesink is i make a lot of mistakes, so spend time recovering from this. here, it was more that i am used to assuming that i handle and engage new things rapidly and effectively, which is not the case: e.g. gcode. it's still lots of fun to do projects. mos tof my life is kind of miserable and i really enjoyed learning about gcode. honestly i'm still next to this printer with nothing to do ;p