Actually coherent. Sounds sane. Something that could even be agreed with. Colouour me surprised. On Sun, Dec 06, 2020 at 07:00:44PM +0000, professor rat wrote:
After nearly 20 years of hot-air about getting anarchism free and clear of Leftist politics anarchists still haven't grasped the nettle which is Marxism. Anarchism was always post-left nationalist party voting from the beginning. So it never had to be post that Left, which is in the majority in many places. The timewasting, gasbag post-leftists so far can't seem to define the " Left " any better than the average GOP-type moron or the Unabomber. The only real " Left " anarchists need to get "post ' or past, is Marxism. Marx, hated and fought with Stirner, Proudhon and Bakunin. His rabid, sectarian fanatical fascist followers began murdering anarchists in early 1918 - and they haven't stopped a year ever since. Enough is enough. There is no ' good Marxism' Vs bad. Its all bad. Its always been bad, and the longer any of us are associated the greater the dangers to us. Bad ideas cling together - and they'll cling to us if we let them. To Hell with Karl Marx - Long live Anarchism!