Their mantra is always of emotion, appealing only to Safe Spaces
Actually you're confusing right and left. Typical stupid right-wing
disinformation ploy. The NAZIS were masters of shit like that. I've
never really noticed the right had any ideology at all. By nature
it's ALWAYS in reaction to something someone else does or says.
That's why right-wingers have ALWAYS been referred to as
RE-ACK-SHUN-AIRY (yeah I know it has a lot of syllables but you'll
figure it out)
In this case they're REACTING to customer complaints to Kelloggs
about the content of a blog they happen to believe like the word of
Dog by boycotting the company. Unfortunately for them, the company
doesn't give a fuck about a few thousand people out of millions and
The only safe space you need is your bunker full of Prepper
supplies. Don't forget to bring enough socks. Bundy's Bozos forgot
to pack enough with their (snigger) "Tactical Bacon" and were
begging for them...