KARL darling, If you take it up the arse that triggers vibrate. APster will cut the murder rate! Proffr says he's waging a global campaign against capitalism, particularly corporations like Monsanto, and police brutality: "I'm not a personally violent person. But I'm advocating violence, mostly for effect. (An attack) on the environment requires a measured response. That's my measured response. It's not everyone's." https://www.wired.com/2001/05/online-cincy-cop-threats-probed/ Taylor said his threats are intended solely as a rhetorical deterrent. "No one has to die," he said. "All that has to happen is for people to accept the system." If anyone Taylor threatened ever was assassinated, "I would totally reassess my involvement in it," he said. "It would totally change the whole situation. Basically, I'm a nonviolent person." http://www.lair.xent.com/pipermail/fork/2003-July/023219.html