If some sort of magical mud magically liquified under a
building, then the building would magically sink in a
pool of mud. Especially when there are 'a couple' of videos
showing a building that indeed seems to be 'sinking'.
Ok class. Here we have a tuning fork (A440) and a glass of water. I
will strike the tuning fork against a hard object ... like Juan's
head ... (Get you hands out of your pants Juan and come here to the
front of the class... Don't bother to wipe the stain on your
trousers. We ALL know what you were doing back there Juan) and now I
will put the end of the tuning fork I'm holding in a glass of water.
Even with the damping effect of my fingers squeezed tight around it
like you might hold your own cock when ur fapping Juan, (PAY
ATTENTION JUAN!) you will still see ripples in the water. If there's
solid material added, like Juan's teeny load of pubescent jizz, the
net effect is a lowering of the frequency of the ripples due to
change of mass, but the amplitude will approximately remain the same
and if you let a piece of paper or light wood like a chunk of coffee
stir stick float in the water, the objects will move up, down, and
sideways, in relation to the ripples.