On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 8:42 AM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
To my knowledge, the AP system has, surprisingly enough, only been considered and analyzed into publicly-available documents by two people: One, R. Sukumaran of the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, in India, https://idsa.in/taxonomy/term/664 , https://idsa.in/system/files/strategicanalysis_sukumaran_0604.pdf , and Robert Vroman. http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=009ape (Vroman's business partner, Bob Murphy, made a half-hearted attempt to disprove it, although his effort may only exist as a publicly-available document on the Wayback Machine https://archive.org/web/ . One of Murphy's pamphlets is here: https://issuu.com/renatos.grun/docs/robert_p._murphy_chaos_theory_two_e )
You should collect, archive, organize, and post all these papers on the project website, along with links out to the originals. Search for "anonbib" for one possible format. Same with links out to all youtube videos. And collect and curate and post all project conference papers, slide decks, lists of past and future conference dates, etc. Including the same regardless of who's analysing, debating, presenting, supporting or debunking the AP system. And get rid of this file, or edit it to be permissive, so that the search engines can better index the project. https://jimbellproject.org/robots.txt And cross post news between the project website, twitter, facebook, etc. This is all basic project buildout stuff that the internet will digest for free, and that readers, reviewers, supporters, media, etc might like to find starting from one central resource type of place.