Edward Snowden streaming LIVE at StartPage.com on November 10!

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden

Join us on Thursday, November 10, for an exclusive free post-election livestream Q&A with Edward Snowden. The world’s most famous whistleblower will address questions about how the US Election results will affect your privacy and his pardon, as well as other questions submitted via social media.

We are thrilled to make this event available for viewing at https://www.startpage.com/snowden/ starting at approximately 4:30 PM Eastern time on November 10. The feed will be broadcast from the Pathé Tuschinski in Amsterdam where Snowden will be patched in to our live theater audience via satellite transmission from Moscow.

Edward Snowden became world famous after he handed journalists classified documents detailing the global espionage activities of the United States National Security Agency (NSA). Snowden’s exposure of covert government surveillance put privacy firmly on the map, but also put him at great risk. He was forced to flee the US in 2013 to avoid arrest and currently resides in Russia, where he has been given asylum.

“Edward Snowden’s revelations about government spying and mass data collection are of crucial importance to our society, but he had to sacrifice his free life for it,” said Robert Beens, CEO of StartPage.com. “We are proud to honor his service and help bring his privacy message to the world.”

Special thanks to the Freedom of the Press Foundation and Edward Snowden’s attorney Ben Wizner of the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project for helping make this historic event possible. We are also grateful to Amnesty International and PardonSnowden.org for sponsoring a petition that asks US President Barack Obama to pardon Edward Snowden before leaving office in January 2017.

Livestream Q&A question suggestions may be submitted now through November 9 using the hashtag #StartPageSnowden. We look forward to seeing what you would like our moderator to ask Mr. Snowden.

The live event will start at approximately 4:30 PM Eastern time and can be seen here.

Thank you for caring about privacy!