My lovely Cari,

Hope you and all your loved ones be blessed in this lovely day.  Thanks a lot for your sincere kindness!  <3

I am not Muslim, but I live next to a Mosque and already studied and worked with Muslims.  All I had seem in all these years is respect, honor and tolerance.  I respect them very much.

I am very proud of living in the center of my city, next to Catholic Churches, Budhist Temples, Spiritualist Houses, Mosques, Synagogues and several other religious places.  It is very beautiful to see the faith, the eternal human search for answers.

Sorry for my bad comportament in the list.  I am not so vain or cruel.  I received some disgusting messages and was provoking my haters, but the manicure story was true, hihi!  :)

One of my voluntary works with female transgenders is teaching them how to use make up, making their own manicure, feel secure using high wheels...  It seems futile for most of the people, but they are very fragile, still working their self esteem, learning how to show to the world their gender, to express themselves.  I cried a lot when I see one of them feeling more beautiful, more feminine, absolutely amazing just because of a baby pink lipstick.  :)

Sometimes, I receive some beauty products  (make up, nail polishes, shampoos, creams, etc)  to test new brands and write reviews to beauty sites and blogs.  I was very good at it, but I always am only a ghost writer and a ghost model for hands and feet, haha!!  ;)

I use most of the products with "my girls" or donate some little kits to asylums.  Older women like to feel more "colored", more beautiful too.  I like the idea of working with their self esteem, to remember them how beautiful they are, how beautiful and colored the world is.  They are living flowers.  It's a simple thing, but they feel more motived to walking and making exercises, to fight against their depression and eventual health problems.  :)

Now, after healing of this new worst pneumonia and discover what's happening in my work  (money troubles, money troubles everywhere!),  I want to make some work with the refugees living in my city, teaching a bit more of Portuguese to the children. 

The kids are so smart, so amazing!  They learn everything so fast and just want to be happy, to study, to hug the other children.  They saw what means a war, so they love the peace, they love to play...  All the meals for them are great, even the simplest ones, because they were starving when arrived here...  :(

One of my friends is a Japanese girl, some years older than me.  When she arrived in my country, she had the same problems that my parents had.  She only knowed the Japanese language.  One day, in the school, with 5 years old, she needed to go to the bathroom and didn't know how to say it in Portuguese. 
She made her necessities in the class, crying, feeling humiliated, listening to the laugh of the other students, because her teacher screamed several times with her, asking to return to the chair and she didn't understood anything.

I don't want these poor children suffer the same bullying that my parents, their friends and my friend suffered.  My French is old garbage, I don't speak Crioulo, but well, I can learn their languages and they can learn Portuguese...  And after, with more time and $resource$, programming languages too!  :)

I promise I will treat myself better, my dear Cari.  Thank you.  Please, take care of yourself with tenderness too!  :*

Kisses and hugs from Brazil!  <3
