On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 04:11:33 AM PST, John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:

On November 5, 2019 7:44:48 AM UTC, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
>> if anyone
>> reading this has their own copies of the 1990s archives, I'd love to
>> them. I can't make any promises about when I'll be able to work on
>> processing them, but rest assured I will take great care of those
>> files
>>Similarly, whatever is received here sits pending header anon,
>>and merging. Merge msgs to a standard isn't much work
>>depending on liberties taken, it's mostly get around to it,
>>so the public sources sit pending that too, which seems
>>the status of a few such projects that are busied out.
>>Now If another nice unix mailbox and or some news spool,
>>made its way here, that could be further motivational to lint
>>and merge everything... If nothing turns up by year end I
>>could reach out to sources, maybe even 1-800-NSA-DISK ;)
>>Other old lists could be returned from such queries, but
>>are probably already in well known textfiles archives already.
>>Then there's the GoogleGroups tragedy.
>>Anyway, if Jim's stuff ever pops up I'll post it.

>Maybe the feds have an archive...

I already thought of that, but it seemed so obvious...
Somewhere in that Utah multi-exabyte data complex...


>... we can FOIA out of them ;)

>Haha, doubtful.

Which version?   The later, tampered-with version, or the earlier, correct version?  Yet another "haha".

But that would actually be a seriously good idea.  It would show what the actual (we hope!) original data looked like, but it would also document the history of various altered versions as they publicly appeared.  I haven't tried to access the Wayback Machine yet, but did those venona files ever get scraped?  Data point:  The government's original Venona project was shut down in October 1980, and eventually declassified in 1995.   Hence, a good excuse for making some files of old information named "venona".

I should also mention the 'coincidence' of my July-2003 (re-)filing of my lawsuit, with (I believe) a recent reference to the CP venona files, date 2003.  Remember, the Feds would have read that lawsuit then, and a much less extensive version a year earlier, and it was at  least at that point that they knew they might be exposed.   Making the CP, or at least the portion dealing with me and AP would have been a plausible response. 

Note:  In addition to Wire Fraud and Evidence Tampering, they were guilty of Obstruction of Justice.  And probably a few dozen other statutes as well.

              Jim Bell