On 09/11/2018 01:10 AM, juan wrote:
On Tue, 11 Sep 2018 14:49:39 +0800 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
911 happened
because you 'needed' - 'wanted' a New Pearl Harbour
Someone did, for sure. It could have been Israel and/or Saudi Arabia also. I suspect that they're all connected, in some clusterfuck way.
I guess 9/11 is better described not just as a false flag attack but as an inside job.
It was an inside job only in the sense that
in the sense that it was done by the US military - the only scum capable of doing it.
OK, so I don't have any primary evidence. Except that I was near enough to Jersey City, when the first plane hit, that I quickly got to a pier, and watched the second plane hit. And sat there, drinking coffee, while the rest of it went down. And then I've followed the story, more or less closely, for 17 years. What I can say is that there was definitely a second plane, and that the main towers eventually pretty much pancaked, with some sideways lean. So the idea that the planes took them down seems quite plausible. But who was responsible? I have no clue, of course. I'm just some anonymous coward. My best guess is a Pearl Harbor sort of scenario. Basically, after the Soviet Union collapsed, the US military was looking for someone/something else to fight. The Middle East was the obvious choice. There had been lots of proxy conflict with the Soviets. And they'd developed lots of great assets. Especially in Afghanistan, involving fundamentalist Saudis. And in Iraq vs Soviet-friendly Iran. Plus Israel, of course, and its conflict with Soviet-friendly Syria and (at the time) Soviet-friendly Egypt. And poor Lebanon and the Palestinians, more-or-less friendly with evil Iran and Syria. And then there's Kissinger's long-term plan to destabilize the Middle East, and ensure access to affordable oil. So eventually it all came together. Iraq was threatening to ramp up oil production, and sell in Euros. Neither the US nor the Saudis wanted that. Instead, the US wanted to keep Iraq's oil reserves relatively undeveloped, and its society chaotic and easily dominated. Israel also wanted chaos in the Middle East, to facilitate expansion, which the US would bless. Basically, the US and Saudis manipulated Al-Qaeda into planning the attacks. The US military and Israeli Mossad monitored developments, and made sure that the attackers weren't caught. Perhaps the plan didn't include actually taking the World Trade Center down, or seriously damaging the Pentagon and White House. That is, maybe stuff just got out of hand. Or maybe they really did want something that would take the US into the Middle East, just as Pearl Harbor took it into WWII. Anyway, that's my working hypothesis, such as it is.