On Tue, 27 Sep 2016 15:12:52 -0400 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
Every one of our "educated" Liberals and Progressives is very well aware that their own family's hopes and dreams of a comfortable lifestyle now and in the future depend on keeping everything running along just as it is: Complete with the systematic looting of whole communities and economies, installation of militarized police and slave labor prisons to control the growing mass of poor people, and mass murder of other people's families where and as necessary to achieve economic objectives in the National Interest. They have deliberately embraced a convenient, delusional world view where all they can do about Things They Know Are Wrong is blame some hated Other, complain politely, express their heartfelt sympathy for the victims and pronounce with grave wisdom: "Some problems won't be solved in our lifetimes."
They are the problem, and if we don't solve them, Nature will - and take us down with them.
Not just the fake liberals - the conservative are just as bad. Though the 'liberals' are more repugnant and criminal. However, if you take a 'naturalistic' view, then it can be argued that they are the best predators. The most polished products of evolution. Nature's Finest Organisms. J,