A sensationalist sounding piece about Deutsche Bank perhaps about to fail, with numerical comparison to Enron and more: http://www.silverdoctors.com/here-we-go-fund-manager-warns-something-just-bl... "Glencore was originally said to have $30 billion of debt. However, that number did not include the $50 billion in bank credit lines outstanding plus an undetermined amount of unsecured trade finance deals. The total exposure to Glencore debt by banks and investors is now estimated to be as high as $100 billion – LINK. To put this in perspective, Enron had $13 billion in debt at the time of its collapse. Moody’s continued to assign a triple-A debt rating to Enron until shortly before it filed for bankruptcy. I mention this to illustrate the unreliability of “expert” hear-say analysis." (with graph) ...