rescue of worker who was forced to turn into a detonating bomb worker forced to be bomb [crouching in corner of break room, holding hands over head]: “don’t think expl—!! no don’t think it!! don’t think explo—!! no don’t think it!!. superpowered interns bust down the door a bomb squad and mash (field surgery) team rush to aid worker forced to be bomb superpowered healer: “never worry about explo— never worry about this again! today, you are a normal human like you used to be!” worker forced to be bomb: “oh my god oh my god i can breathe again” suddenly they star5 turning bright red and beeping bomb specialist touched a striped wire and the beeping stops and the color turns back worker forced to be bomb hugs bomb specialist and cries the bomb parts are removed and they are a normal person again they shake and shake and huge the rescuers superpowered rescuer: “come on lets get out of here!” worker not a bomb: “yeah!! i want to be near people again so much!!” everybody piles into helicopter with cheers and exhultatikns!