Jim Bell's ' Assassination Politics " idea ( APster ) soon placed Mongo under increasing pressure to back up all his pseudo-revolutionary bs he almost called ' Cyber Liberty '. The pressure ratcheted up through 1996 - 7 - 8 -9 and the year 2000 as Jim was attacked by the police and CJ tried to help him. It became apparent Mongo wouldn't risk his own skin and didn't even want his theory sullied with any actual collapse-of-govts, especially in the US. Never mind this made anarcho-capitalism look weak-as-piss and a dilettante's pastime fit only for eunuchs. "... Like an inverse Marxist, Tim May tended to believe that the inexorable expansion of private cryptography made the victory of crypto-anarchism inevitable. A new “balance of power between individuals and larger entities” was already emerging. He predicted with some confidence “the end of governments as we know them”. Another even more extreme cypherpunk of the libertarian Right, Jim Bell, like an inverse Leninist, thought that history might need a push..." https://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2011/february/1324596189/robert-manne/cy...