On 09/11/2017 07:44 PM !@#$%^&*() wrote:
On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 07:13:14PM -0700, Razer wrote:
On 09/11/2017 04:35 PM, !@#$%^&*() wrote:
Godaddy's in-house survey monkey just hit me up. Thought it was a good time to express their lack of advising themselves in regard to the impact to their public image when they took a stand against TDS:
- Why did you rate Godaddy the way you just did (low)? Godaddy took a stand against freedom of speech in rejecting TheDailyStormer.com's (TDS) domain registration, and GoDaddy did so in a way which failed to uphold one of our community's foundational freedoms.
When undermining a fundamental human right, as Godaddy did to TDS, even if your target is speaking objectionably, Godaddy as an "information carrier" (of sorts) has a significantly higher duty of care to its customers (e.g. TDS) than other entities.
Godaddy, in cancelling TDS' domain, failed to conduct itself in a way compatible with its duty of care obligations to our community to treat every body fairly and in a way which preserves due process.
Godaddy should advise itself to inform itself of the requirements for conduct in relation to those of its customers who say things on their websites which Godaddy may object to.
- What is the single most important thing we could do to improve your experience? Advise yourself that when you take a public stand against freedom of speech (even objectionable speech), you are affecting your reputation negatively, in a big way. Due to the TDS episode, my plans are to transition completely off of Godaddy in the coming 2 years.
The ShitSturmer got bounced for claiming Oh?
Not "Oh". The link to GoDaddy's complete statement regarding it appeared on this list. Look it up. The CEO said the article about Heather Heyer was tasteless and borderline hate speech but what cut it was the Shitrag's peeps claiming GoDaddy supported their beliefs, and since that was a complete fabrication and libelous, the Shitrag was outta there. Typical Nazis. Give them a gun and they commit suicide.
I'd ordinarily assume the good intention that you actually have a fact to back this up - but your record is rather lean on the "facts" dept "Razer".
I have no good intentions towards you and the only thing I'd 'lean on' is a 2x4 across your Carotid artery.
ProTip: "everybody knows" and "all major governments say so", are not, despite common misunderstandings, facts.
GoDaddy's management supported their wrong opinion about Jews Blacks Catholics, Gypsies, and just about everyone but Whitebread middleclass men. ... Example: your saying "I am a GoDaddy shill" would be a first-hand, "from personal knowledge" fact, whereas if I were to say "Weev, TDS's website administrator, nor Angling, it's founder, ever said any such as you claim, Razer", that could sound like a fact, but in actual fact it would merely be an assertion on my part.
(Admittedly, as much as I'd like to claim that as a fact, I unfortunately have not quite crossed Occam's Razer's edge to capacity to prove uncertainties/ unknowables.
You on the other hand should have no problem proving your positive assertion as it only requires one teensy weensy little example to verify your statement...)
I'll let Terry Allen. Austin's own Country Boy Hippie tell ya.
The song is called "Big Ol' White Boys"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=137&v=JP0tPchikYc At about 1.5x speed (from 2:20) is perfect - funny too :)
Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8h5VdIe33o
...but your pin head would probably explode. That's called an ad-hominem attack.
Yup. Absolutely, pinhead. Rr
You might have heard of it before - in fact, you might have used it before.
ProTip: an ad-hominem attack is not a conversation "win", it's just a decent into personal attack.
I reworded the last chorus of the first song for ya Razer:
Sittin here on the banks of victim, lookin' out, at the White pride; Wonderin' if I'm ever gonna get 'em, believin' my "chosen people" lie!
Big ole' bankers, fat and plunder, Livin' high on Zio creed; Rule the world while we get dummer, Fuel the fued by other's' needs.