On Sat, 23 Sep 2017 17:29:03 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Last night, AFTER I posted this stuff, I tried to post my public key on Keybase.
keybase's site doesn't work unless you enable javashit - that's a big security 'issue'. Also it was recommended by 'mirimir' so that's another reason not to use it.
It had not been previously publicized. I don't know if I was successful. I fully understand that I will have to attend some keysigning event, maybe in the San Francisco bay area, or perhaps Seattle. Jim Bell P.S. I wanted to sign this message, too, which was edited on Yahoo Mail, but the Mailvelope icon seems to not always appear. How do I sign if Mailvelope isn't working at the moment? <sigh>
I imported the key you posted. Or I imported 'a key' that apparently comes from 'you' =) However the signatures on the 2 signed messages you sent don't seem to work (your mail client seems to be sending some kind of messy text mixed with html or something like that or there's something wrong on my end...) gpg: Signature made Sat 23 Sep 2017 02:38:45 GMT+3 using RSA key ID 9C6D998F gpg: BAD signature from "Jim Bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com>" But at least you can double check the key ID... (attached the first message I tried to verify)