traffick boss and cyborg torturer are pulling daisies, in carts, to daisy festivals cyborg torturer: “we hope your hearts are as excited as these flowers seem to be to bloom!” traffick bo— — 1956 in — T_T we asked the same old question on reddit and got the same old answer “if this stuff is triggering for you do grounding exercises” it came from a super mind controlled survivee! honestly there is no good answer to “my group/experience prepped me for all the current grounding techniques” (although you are expected to get a better answer if you say that) but something is missing :s :s :< :> abababa bababa i should relax because s— 1959 baba bag(a) i am sorry that i am your mind, your karl, and i do not make sense. i am sorry for this! it is because (?parens added after: there is a part of me that is preventing it! it is a describable part. but it only describes (when the describing is happening, kind of).)