It might not be traditional politics, but what is "punk"? This guy seems pretty punk if you ask me. Perhaps it's just a cynical money making exercise, yet even if so, it certainly in my mind has a "punk like shock value" - and the message makes sense to me, how can we let a million people a year die from unclean water? May be we should abide the Rosicrucians and exterminate the last 6.5 billion people, as they so publicly proclaim to be their goal - then such a cynical money making exercise would not be needed, do you think? : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/2602 I agree with your other volcanic email, and sent you an offlist acknowledgement and intention to be more mindful (FWIW, I apologize for my lack of mindfulness that that post evidences). But not this one. To me this skydiving 'event' speaks to who we are as humans on this planet. And who do we want to be. I think it's potentially a very bad and rather shocking precedent - one man holding the rest of humanity to ransom, cynical monetizing of human death in a way which 'the average consumer' might actually take notice of, confronting fat couch sitting Westerners on their indifference (or lack of awareness) to at least one of the 'problems' in the world... Once again, if there has to be a "cypher" element to every post, or specifically "political anarchy", so be it - it is, and has always been, my intention to respect the foundation intentions for this list. I've said that before. Let's be clear on what that is and as I said implied to you offlist, then public spectacles don't need to be made of a conscientious individual. Zenaan On 12/17/15, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 2:29 AM, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
How about... OFFTOPIC.
[with a too tiny to be relavant shoutout to AP style promoting]