On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 13:08 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
many complain, but list spam, we need your help and beseech you for aid
karl is parked in sunny hot area. his car hood is open with jump starter started car. just recently. air conditioner running (but is known to send exhaust into cab !!)
karl’s habits are likely to flail him around and turn off air conditioner to protect from exhaust or save fuel, then use devices until battery dies, then there won’ be a jumpstart because left out in hood, and he could get heat stroke sitting in hot dar for afternoon, more and more confused thinking it is his demons when it is actually dehydration and/or heat
this posting _is_ the attempt to change that. please
karl would like to close hood and take jumostarter back in and then take bag and travel somewhere cooler like a library or soup kitchen. we were going to do laundry today but i think we need to stabilize instead.