4 Jan
4 Jan
3:08 a.m.
---- Person walking down street considers turning corner. MCBoss suddenly bursts out of a nearby wall, in locked combat with a hairdresser. MCBoss: "Give me back my cigar!!!! Huh? Oh, uh, don't turn that corner." Person Walking Down Street: "Don't turn the corner?" MCBosS: "No, um, -- give me back my cigar!!!! -- um, I, it's embarrassingly acgtually." MCBoss stops struggling with the hairdresser and faces Person Walking Down Street. MCBoss: "We detonated a wormhole bomb in the earth's core and the planet has shattered into thousands and thousands of pieces, and if you turn that corner you'll be teleported to the center of the sun." Person: "Omigod! What was your name again?" MCBoss: "Mind Control Boss!"