Does Werner have a Gratipay account so I can sign up for monthly support? (Or, uh, Patreon) Not enough developers of this infrastructure make it *convenient* to support their work. And, that may sound mercenary, but it's the reality; whether you're selling a product or soliciting donations, if you make it hard to buy/donate you'll get nothing. So yea, I'll go support Werner, but I'd love to see him make it easier to help him develop GPG. Same goes for the rest of 'em; plenty of "donate once", which makes you feel like a cheapskate for offering only €1, not enough "commit to €1 a month", which is practically a no-brainer. On 06/02/15 18:51, Александр wrote:
The man who built the free email encryption software used by whistleblower Edward Snowden, as well as hundreds of thousands of journalists, dissidents and security-minded people around the world, is running out of money to keep his project alive.
I was shocked that almost nobody donates money to Werner Koch. Especially in the Post-Snowden Era. Are we so greedy/stupid/so f*cken selfish that we can not donate some money to a man, whose labor we use to protect our most sensitive information?! Hell, we buy bread, coffee and cheese and pay at the cash register, but for privacy we are unable (or rather do not want to) to pay a penny.
And then we wonder, why is that great security software vanish or don't receive security updates fast enough. And whom do we blame? The NSA, the GCHQ. But it's not only them. This is us. This is our indifference, dammit! Each throws off the responsibility on the other. "Someone else will donate". Or "I have donated a year ago" (wow! And this year the developer doesn't want to eat, right?!)
Our enemies are investing billions into breaking down these programs/protocols which are designed to protect us (GPG, Tor, OTR, Tails, VeraCrypt, Jitsi etc.). And? It turns out, that the developers of these great programs don't have enough money even for the bare minimum!
It is a shame!
I encourage everyone, right here and now, to donate some money to his three main security programs, which he uses the most. And donate at least once a year.
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