On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 02:52:13 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
you need a 'critical mass' to be able to fight back.
That is almost too slowly building, if at all.
Exactly right. And that's the sad situation we find ourselves in.
the job of the police is to beat people to death when they don't obey their masters.
They don't allow that story on YouTube anymore.
what else would you expect from a mosad-nsa propaganda outlet
Officially nowhere else soon with all the proposed "laws".
you want to broadcast it
If user can't trust FaceTube to livestream and not delete the user's feed, and if the cops delete and smash the device copy of it, and takedown whatever private VPS user sent it to, then it's gone. So yes broadcasting the encrypted stream for all receivers in antenna range to pick up and store is another option
yes, that's a nice trick - which prolly won't work "out of the box" with the majority of retardphones even if the hardware was capable of doing it...if the radios supported ad-hoc networks. then you can of course build your own pair of devices one being a camera with a radio, the other just a receiver. And your own device should be easier to conceal, unlike the typical retardphone. And now you started an electronic warfare war with the 'masters' of war. Good luck.
'technology' will magically make people free.
their own weapons
Tech itself, sitting in a box, on the shelf, doing nothing, like an unused cannon, no.
The rest may depend on if cypherpunks tech was to be deployed as partially equalizing force leverage rapide, in time to assist effect change before being crushed out by opposing forces.
Or if it was just a bunch of gov goons and state apologists tripping on acid while typing shit into C compiler in 1990's and dotbomb.
One has to ask, why wasn't cpunk 'tech' more widely deployed in the 1990s? Things like PGP notwithstanding...
Now, if you technocrats were able to actually deliver on your 'promises'
Tech is one thing, sometimes easily coded and delivered. Teaching and getting people use it for freedom apparently harder. All they used it to make Facebook so far.
Yep. But if you look a bit harder, you'll see that 'tech' is developed only when it leads to outcomes like facebook...and the rest of industrial 'civilization'. Technical developments have never caused political change, contrary to what marxists and other positivists might like to imagine.
They are letting cryptocurrency get fucked and behind advantage too,
well, cryptocurrency exists in the highly toxic enviroment of finance. It's no wonder that a lot of it is controlled by government criminals like coinbase's armstrong.
Because no one is teaching freedom fundamentals.
yep - what people are taught in govcorp schools and 'universities' is the exact opposite.
Only dropping tech on them, so they use it by old wrong teaching.
will be microchipped soon.
They want it like sheep. All the first world in lead to that hell world.
no doubt a lot of people uncritically accep it. But, it's not 'informed consent'. The people who accept it are grownups 'educated' by govcorp.
arms race easier to smash politicians first. Before they smash you to dust...
They almost had tiny bit of idea to try smashing in the corona and floyd "revolts", but stopped like sheep when BossGov said stop.
at this point, any 'revolt' should be seen as govcorp wargames "Facebook reveals news feed experiment to control emotions" https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jun/29/facebook-users-emotions-n... so unless the revolt manages to beat to death bezos and the google jews, and post the video on jewtube, it should be regarded as a Fake News Revolt.
They did try some simple old brick and flame tech, and did have some digital new tech in the mix, and so held advantage for a while. But now the Boss Monster is going to get another 10-20 year turn at fucking them even harder. They will have to find more new advantage.