10 yr prediction heatin up and reaffirmed - Bibi's bitch, that's Bibi Netanyahu's “punk-ass bitch” Donald Trollstoyabich Trump, shall be tail-wagged to strike Iran, to save face and satisfy his Zio MOTUs (for those unaquainted, that's Masters Of The Universe - namely the Zio banking cabal). Rarely do we see the Saker so pissed off :) -— Let it rip, Saker buddy, let it rip :D Trump goes full shabbos-goy http://thesaker.is/trump-goes-full-shabbos-goy/ “As I mentioned, [the above] article is dated. It is dated because since 2007 Iran has only become stronger, while the USA has become much, much weaker: not only has the USA been defeated in Syria, but the election of Trump has resulted in such a crisis inside the USA that at this point in time the USA does not even have a foreign policy of any kind and that the various branches of the US government are basically doing whatever the hell they want. As for Trump, he has become AIPAC’s “punk-ass bitch” (sorry for the rude expression, but in this case I cannot think of any combination of words which could more accurately illustrate Trump’s status). So, the big question is obvious: is that just hot air or will a war happen? At the risk of deepening what still might be my mistaken prognosis of 2007 I will say that yes, the USA will probably attack Iran. Since there is exactly ZERO chance of Iran caving in to the latest US-Israeli threats, not attacking Iran will now represent a major loss of face and humiliation for Trump and his Neocon masters. So the USA will go to war yet again, not for any rational reason, but solely because Bibi Netanyahu “owns” Trump and Israel “own” the USA. Yes my dear Americans, far from being “the land of the free and the home of the brave” the USA is a subservient colony of a tiny state in the Middle-East which also happens to be the last officially racist state on our planet. Which makes you neither brave, nor free. Sorry. ”