Several cypherpunks have had list-related material cited at our trials - " Assassination Politics " was raised for Jim Bell, then Carl Johnson ( CJ ) then myself. Quelle surprise LEO's might be trying to disrupt their perceived enemies! Twenty years later - an eternity in net years - the question is what is anyone going to do about it. Become a whiney little bitch? Like Gramps? Part of a batshit circle of eunuchs? Or fight back like a man. TIMOTHY " An anonymous computerized market will even make possible abhorrent markets for assassinations and extortion " C. MAY 1992 TIM " I guess now that the Pentagon is setting up a murder pool it can't be illegal for us to do it " MAY. 2003 Also from 2003... Someone called ' Coderman ' possibly isn't even a Cypherpunk - they belong at Coderpunks; yes?