On Jun 3, 2017, at 3:31 PM, M373 <M373@riseup.net> wrote:

Some U-Washington researchers are working on a potentially very
interesting project of using sensors and statistical analysis to
identify where cell site simulators are being used, which could scale to
city or larger size, providing a snapshot as well as ongoing dataset to
ascertain patterns. One would need spatial and temporal density to
maximize probability of capture given the ephemeral nature of deployed
cell simulators.


All this talk really makes me want to get back to playing with OpenBTS, you can make your own stingray-lite for probably a few hundred bucks....  but then, unless you have a specific and probably very criminal need for it, I'm not sure it would ever be more than a toy.

On a per-phone level there are or were some interesting apps to detect cell site simulators, e.g. 


The seaglass stuff does look really interesting. There's an article that just popped up about it a couple days ago -
