On 5/28/22, zeynep@keemail.me <zeynep@keemail.me> wrote:
The hypocrisy of "modern" European countries and hypocrisy around the world, and of course in Turkey too https://twitter.com/senadaruc/status/1530472445634826240 This is happening in Turkey 🇹🇷 every day with Syrian refugees… now same shit in Europe with Ukrainian’s ?
This coming from the multiply debunked liar who proclaimed about "migrants" and trains / borders, when in reality UA policy said males stayed, and the afros were playing the noisy race card and "students" game, making up whatever bs just for some excuse to flee war and try to jump the line... which the poster knows she would do too just to flee. But when the migrant mess gets shoved into and invades her Turkey... oh no all of a sudden now she posts the migrants are bad tweet. Her former self would call her now a racist hypocrite, LOL. Even "brown" people are sick of migrants... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqVV09GNk4A Even braindead leftists are forced to become sick of their own manufactured "migration" / "refugee" game... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t-hmolcixQ And everyone with a brain and eyes are 100% sick of the Globalists Politicans Soros Socialists Gates Islam Obama etc that are force flooding migrants everywhere thereby causing massive problems that will never go away... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3G2i-uMmbg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ_fz9EW5Iw