On Thu, 15 Oct 2020 11:24:40 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
The orange monkey commander in chief ordered troop draw downs in Syria THREE times.
right, yet another farce, lie and show for the scumbags who worships him.
Three times, some token or "obliging" draw down happen, troops and their hummers "withdrew" across the border into Iraq - a lazy drive just across the border - then promptly turned around (perhaps after a day or seven) and drove right back in.
right, that's how the farce works.
Trump showed us, empirically, that "the commander in chief" is not actually the commander in chief.
you just can't help yourself eh? You just proved that your monkey is a fucking fraud, and now you're trying to turn reality on its head? The military did what the monkey ordered. They pretended to 'withdraw' following the monkey's orders. So let me ask again : are you infinitely stupid?